The Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons Section (LSDP) is calling for papers to be presented as part of a joint all-day session of the IFLA Division III, Libraries Serving the General Public in Durban, South Africa, during the 73rd World Library and Information Congress,19 – 23 August 2007
Title of Division III Session: Social Inclusion: how can public libraries embrace the challenge of reaching out to serve all people in their community?
This year all the sections within the Division III, Libraries Serving the General Public, will jointly present an in-depth programme on the topic of Social Inclusion with a mix of papers, presentations and performances during an 8-hour feature event. The session format will allow sufficient time to bring broad and meaningful insight to the topic through contributions from all over the world and, in particular from Africa, the home continent of the 2007 WLIC/IFLA conference.
“Social exclusion happens when people or places suffer from a series of problems such as unemployment, discrimination, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime, ill health and family breakdown. When such problems combine they can create a vicious cycle. Social exclusion can happen as a result of problems that face one person in their life. But it can also start from birth. Being born into poverty or to parents with low skills still has a major influence on future life chances.” Social Exclusion Unit, UK Cabinet Office 2006.
Speakers and performers are invited to demonstrate ways in which the challenge of social exclusion affects public libraries worldwide and the strategies and programmes which libraries have been used to combat such exclusion in the communities they serve.
The Standing Committee of the Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons Section is seeking papers that under the broad Division programme theme of social inclusion focus specifically on model library programmes and services that reach out to people who are marginalised or ostracized from the community because of physical or mental disabilities, age & illnesses, criminal conviction records, educational deficiencies, learning disabilities, or institutionalised living conditions.
You are invited to submit papers or multi-media presentations that address these aspects of library services in the specific cultural and social context of your country. Please submit a detailed abstract (1 page or a minimum of 300 words) of the proposed paper (must not have been published elsewhere) or, if appropriate, a CD/computer file with an outline of a multimedia presentation, as well as relevant biographical information of author(s)/presenter(s) by January 26, 2007, via email to
Vibeke Lehmann, LSDP Past-Chair,: vibeke.lehmann@wisconsin.gov or busserdk@charter.net
The abstract/outlines will be reviewed by members of the LSDP Standing Committee. Successful proposals will be identified by 9 February and announced by 15 February. Full papers and presentations are due from speakers by 15 April 2007 to allow time for a full review and preparation of translations.
Papers should be no longer than 20 pages. 15-20 minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of the paper or presentation during the Division session.
Please note that expenses of attending the Durban conference will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of the accepted papers.
* Division III Libraries Serving the General Public includes the following Section within IFLA:
- Section 8 Public Libraries (including Mobile Libraries)
- Section 9 Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons
- Section 10 Libraries for Children and Young Adults
- Section 11 School Libraries and Resource Centres
- Section 31 Libraries for the Blind
- Section 32 Library Services to Multicultural Populations
- Section 46 Metropolitan Libraries